Xantea 2502: An Experimental Universe

Step into the experimental universe of Xantea 2502, where AGI robots and mythical creatures share a psychedelic world. Witness the fusion of technology and mythology in breathtaking landscapes, challenging the limits of imagination


Artist Statement

My artistic spirit thrives on the friction between opposing forces. Inspired by the depths of psychology, mythology, and theology, I delve into the complexities of the human experiencethe perpetual dance between rational thought and the intoxicating allure of the irrational. This fascination extends beyond the human realm, embracing the potential of robotics, AI, and the ever-evolving landscape of technology. In my creative process, these seemingly disparate worlds collide, revealing the profound tension between the established and the emergent. My artistic practice defies cognitive dissonance, embracing the discomfort of these opposing forces to transcend their contradictions. Through an experimental approach, I merge the venerable traditions of painting with the revolutionary capabilities of AI animation, forging new worlds both on the canvas and within the viewer’s perception. By shattering the boundaries between the old and the new, I ignite a conversation about the future of humanity and the ever-shifting landscape of our existence. Ultimately, my work suggests that progress relies on the coexistence of both; the old provides stability, while the new drives innovation, and both must learn to coexist harmoniously. 

About Me

Xantea 2502: Where Myth and Machine Converge

Join the Xantea 2502 Expedition: Be Part of the Adventure

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